


Eymard A., Richer-de-Forges A.C., Martelet G., Tissoux H., Bialkoswki A., Dalmasso M., Chrétien F., Belletier D., Ledemé G., Laloua D., Josière O., Commagnac L., Bourennane H., Arrouays D. (2024). Exploring the untapped potential of hand-feel soil texture data for enhancing digital soil mapping: Revealing hidden spatial patterns from field observations. Geoderma. Vol. 441, 116769. [Article scientifique]

Merlet H., Moussa I., Michot D., Pichelin P., Nassirou Ado M., Adam I., Guéro Y., Walter C. (2024). Apport de la télédétection multi-temporelle à l’identification de zones potentiellement salées dans les périmètres irrigués du Niger. Étude et Gestion des Sols. Volume 31. Pages 103-121. [Article scientifique]

Suleymanov A., Richer-de-Forges A.C., Saby N.P.A., Arrouays D., Martin M., Bispo A. (2024). National-scale digital soil mapping performances are related to covariates and sampling density: Lessons from France. Geoderma Regional. e00801, [Article scientifique]

Wadoux A., Richer-de-Forges A.C., Arrouays D., Bialkowski A., Bourennane H., Briottet X., Bustillo V., Fabre S., Fouad Y., Gomez C., Jacquemoud S., Lagacherie P., Lemercier B., Maisongrande P., Martelet G., Martin M., Michot D., Saby N., Tissoux H., Vaudour E., Walter C. (2024). Un projet de formation francophone en télédétection et cartographie des sols par modélisation statistique. Séminaire IGCS, Apr 2024, Montpellier, France. ⟨hal-04558685⟩ [Communication orale]

Richer-de-Forges A.C., Arrouays D., Libohova Z., Chen S., Beaudette D.E., Bourenanne H. (2024). Revealing Topsoil Behavior to Compaction from Mining Field Observations. Land. 13(7), 909. [Article scientifique]

Richer-de-Forges A.C., Arrouays D., Chen S., Libohova Z., Beaudette D.E., Bourenanne H. (2024). Mapping Topsoil Behavior to Compaction at National Scale from an Analysis of Field Observations. Land. 13(7), 1014.   [Article scientifique]


Gomez C., Vaudour E., Richer-de-Forges A.C. (2023). Webinaire "La télédétection comme outil de cartographie des sols : Enjeux, succès et limites". 28/11/2023. Pour le réseau Télédétection INRAE. [Webinaire] avec ICI le PDF de la présentation.

Richer-de-Forges A.C., Arrouays D., Poggio L., Chen S., Lacoste M., Minasny B., Libohova Z., Roudier P., Mulder V.L., Nédélec H., Martelet G., Lemercier B., Lagacherie P., Bourennane H. (2023). Hand-feel soil texture observations to evaluate the accuracy of digital soil maps for local prediction of particle size distribution. A case study in central France. Pedosphere. 33(5): 731-743. [Article scientifique]

Laroche B., Richer-De-Forges A.C., Jalabert S. (2023). À la découverte des sols : panorama des données, méthodes et outils existants. Les GéoDataDays 2023, Afigéo; DécryptaGéo, Sep 2023, Reims, France. ⟨hal-04208253⟩ [Communication orale]

Richer-de-Forges A.C., Chen Q., Baghdadi N., Chen S., Gomez C., Jacquemoud S., Martelet G., Mulder V.L., Urbina-Salazar D., Vaudour E., Weiss M., Wigneron J.-P., Arrouays D. (2023). Remote Sensing Data for Digital Soil Mapping in French Research - A review. Remote Sensing. 15, 3070. [Article scientifique]

Richer-de-Forges A.C., Lagacherie P., Arrouays D., Bialkowski A., Bourennane H., Briottet X., Bustillo V., Fouad Y., Gomez C., Jacquemoud S., Lemercier B., Maisongrande P., Martelet G., Martin M.P., Michot D., Pichelin P., Saby N.P.A., Tissoux H., Vaudour E., Wadoux A.M.J.-C., Walter C., Puissant A. (2023). The Theia "Digital Soil Mapping" Scientific Expertise Centre of France. Poster. Soil Mapping for a Sustainable Future. 2nd joint Workshop of the IUSS Working Groups Digital Soil Mapping and Global Soil Map. 7-9 février 2023. ⟨hal-03982466⟩ [Poster]

Urbina-Salazar D., Vaudour E., Richer-de-Forges A.C., Chen S., Martelet G., Baghdadi N., Arrouays D. (2023). Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-1 Bare Soil Temporal Mosaics of 6-year Periods for Soil Organic Carbon Content Mapping in Central France. Remote Sensing 15, 2410. [Article scientifique]

Dodin M., Levavasseur F., Savoie A., Martin L., Foulon J., Vaudour E. (2023). Sentinel-2 satellite images for monitoring cattle slurry and digestate spreading on emerging wheat crop: a field spectroscopy experiment. Geocarto International 38, 2245371. [Article scientifique]


Dupiau A., Jacquemoud S.,Briottet X., Fabre S., Viallefont-Robinet F., Philpot W., Di Biagio C., Hébert M., Formenti P. (2022). MARMIT-2: an improved version of the MARMIT model to predict soil reflectance as a function of surface water content in the solar domain. Remote Sensing of Environment, [Article scientifique]

Lemercier B., Lagacherie P., Amelin J., Sauter J., Richer-de-Forges A.C., Arrouays D. (2022). Multiscale evaluations of global, national and regional digital soil mapping products in France. Geoderma. Volume 425, 1 November 2022, 116052. [Article scientifique]

Gomez C., Vaudour E., Féret J.-B., de Boissieu F., Dharumarajan S. (2022). Topsoil clay content mapping in croplands from Sentinel-2 data: Influence of atmospheric correction methods across a season time series. Geoderma 423, 115959. [Article scientifique]

Richer-de-Forges A.C., Arrouays D., Poggio L., Chen S., Lacoste M., Budiman B., Libohova Z., Roudier P., Mulder V.L., Nédélec H., Martelet G., Lemercier B., Lagacherie P., Bourennane H. (2022). Hand-feel soil texture observations to evaluate the accuracy of digital soil maps for local prediction of particle size distribution. A case study in central France. Pedosphere. 32. [Article scientifique]

Vaudour E., Gholizadeh A., Castaldi F., Saberioon M., Borůvka L., Urbina-Salazar D., Fouad Y., Arrouays D., Richer-de-Forges A.C., Biney J., Wetterlind J., Van Wesemael B. (2022). Satellite imagery to map topsoil organic carbon content over cultivated areas: an overview. Remote Sensing, 14, 2917. [Article scientifique]

Richer-de-Forges A.C., Lagacherie P., Arrouays D., Bialkowski A., Bourennane H., Briottet X., Fouad Y., Gomez C., Jacquemoud S., Lemercier B., Maisongrande P., Martelet G., Martin M.P., Michot D., Pichelin P., Saby N.P.A., Tissoux H., Vaudour E., Wadoux A.M.J.-C., Walter C., Puissant A. (2022). The Theia "Digital Soil Mapping" Scientific Expertise Centre of France. Pedometron. N°46. pages 4-8. [Article]


Gomez, C., Dharumarajan, S., Lagacherie, P., Riotte, J., Ferrant, S., Sekhar, M., Ruiz, L., 2021. Mapping of tank silt application using Sentinel-2 images over the Berambadi catchment (India). Geoderma Regional 25, e00389. [Article scientifique]

Urbina-Salazar, D., Vaudour, E., Baghdadi, N., Ceschia, E., Richer-de-Forges, A.C., Lehmann, S., Arrouays, D., 2021. Using Sentinel-2 Images for Soil Organic Carbon Content Mapping in Croplands of Southwestern France. The Usefulness of Sentinel-1/2 Derived Moisture Maps and Mismatches between Sentinel Images and Sampling Dates. Remote Sensing 13, 5115. [Article scientifique]

Vaudour, E., Gomez, C., Lagacherie, P., Loiseau, T., Baghdadi, N., Urbina-Salazar, D., Loubet, B., Arrouays, D., 2021. Temporal mosaicking approaches of Sentinel-2 images for extending topsoil organic carbon content mapping in croplands. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 96, 102277. [Article scientifique]


Dkhala, B., Mezned, N., Gomez, C., Abdeljaouad, S., 2020. Hyperspectral field spectroscopy and SENTINEL-2 Multispectral data for minerals with high pollution potential content estimation and mapping. Science of The Total Environment 740, 140160. [Article scientifique]

Gomez, C., Chevallier, T., Moulin, P., Bouferra, I., Hmaidi, K., Arrouays, D., Jolivet, C., Barthès, B.G., 2020. Prediction of soil organic and inorganic carbon concentrations in Tunisian samples by mid-infrared reflectance spectroscopy using a French national library. Geoderma 375, 114469. [Article scientifique]

Lagacherie, P., Arrouays, D., Bourennane, H., Gomez, C., Nkuba-Kasanda, L., 2020. Analysing the impact of soil spatial sampling on the performances of Digital Soil Mapping models and their evaluation: A numerical experiment on Quantile Random Forest using clay contents obtained from Vis-NIR-SWIR hyperspectral imagery. Geoderma 375, 114503. [Article scientifique]


Chen, S., Mulder, V.L., Martin, M.P., Walter, C., Lacoste, M., Richer-de-Forges, A.C., Saby, N.P.A., Loiseau, T., Hu, B., Arrouays, D., 2019. Probability mapping of soil thickness by random survival forest at a national scale. Geoderma 344, 184–194. [Article scientifique]

Gomez, C., Dharumarajan, S., Féret, J.-B., Lagacherie, P., Ruiz, L., Sekhar, M., 2019. Use of Sentinel-2 Time-Series Images for Classification and Uncertainty Analysis of Inherent Biophysical Property: Case of Soil Texture Mapping. Remote Sensing 11, 565. [Article scientifique]

Lagacherie, P., Arrouays, D., Bourennane, H., Gomez, C., Martin, M., Saby, N.P.A., 2019. How far can the uncertainty on a Digital Soil Map be known?: A numerical experiment using pseudo values of clay content obtained from Vis-SWIR hyperspectral imagery. Geoderma 337, 1320–1328. [Article scientifique]

Loiseau, T., Chen, S., Mulder, V.L., Román Dobarco, M., Richer-de-Forges, A.C., Lehmann, S., Bourennane, H., Saby, N.P.A., Martin, M.P., Vaudour, E., Gomez, C., Lagacherie, P., Arrouays, D., 2019. Satellite data integration for soil clay content modelling at a national scale. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 82, 101905. [Article scientifique]

Vaudour, E., Gomez, C., Fouad, Y., Lagacherie, P., 2019. Sentinel-2 image capacities to predict common topsoil properties of temperate and Mediterranean agroecosystems. Remote Sensing of Environment 223, 21–33. [Article scientifique]

Vaudour, Emmanuelle, Gomez, C., Loiseau, T., Baghdadi, N., Loubet, B., Arrouays, D., Ali, L., Lagacherie, P., 2019. The Impact of Acquisition Date on the Prediction Performance of Topsoil Organic Carbon from Sentinel-2 for Croplands. Remote Sensing 11, 2143. [Article scientifique]

Lagacherie P., Arrouays D., Bourennane H., Gomez C., Martin M., Nkuba-Kasanda L., Saby N., (2019). Analysing the impact of soil spatial sampling on the performances of DSM models and their evaluation: a numerical experiment using pseudo values of clay content obtained from Vis-SWIR hyperspectral imagery. Joint Global Workshop of IUSS working groups DSM and GSM. March 12th-16th, Santiago (Chile). Abstract and oral communication. [Communication orale]

Dharumarajan S., Lalitha M., Kalaiselvi B., Kumar Jena R., Ray P., Mukhopadhyay S., Reza S.K., Meena R.K., Verma S., Moharana P.C., Tailor B.L., Kumar N., Sahu N., Chattaraj S., Sahoo S., Daripa A., Hegde R., Singh S.K., Lagacherie P. (2019). IndianSoilGrids: implementing a bottom-up GlobalSoilMap approach for India. Joint Global Workshop of IUSS working groups DSM and GSM. March 12th-16th, Santiago (Chile). Abstract and oral communication. [Communication orale]

Loiseau T., Chen S., Mulder V.L., Román Dobarco M., Richer-de-Forges A.C., Lehmann S., Bourennane H., Saby N.P.A., Martin M.P., Vaudour E., Gomez C., Lagacherie P., Arrouays D. (2019). Satellite data integration for soil clay content modelling at a national scale. Join Global Workshop on Digital Soil Mapping and GlobalSoilMap. Santiago (Chile), March 12th-16th 2019. [Communication orale]

Vaudour E., Gomez C., Ali L., Loiseau T., Lagacherie P., Arrouays D. (2019). Impact of acquisition date on the prediction performance of topsoil organic carbon from single date or multidate Sentinel-2 images. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019-15591-1, 2019. (oral)

Vaudour E., Gomez C., Loiseau T., Lagacherie P., Arrouays D. (2019). Mosaicking approaches for predicting topsoil organic carbon content from Sentinel-2 time series. International Conference “Food security and climate change: 4 per 1000 initiative new tangible global challenges”, Organized by Inra in collaboration with University of Poitiers, 17th to 20th June 2019, Poitiers, France.  [Communication orale]


Gomez, C., Adeline, K., Bacha, S., Driessen, B., Gorretta, N., Lagacherie, P., Roger, J.M., Briottet, X., 2018. Sensitivity of clay content prediction to spectral configuration of VNIR/SWIR imaging data, from multispectral to hyperspectral scenarios. Remote Sensing of Environment 204, 18–30. [Article scientifique]

Bablet A., Vub P.V.H., Jacquemoud S., Viallefont-Robinet F., Fabre S., Briottet X., Sadeghi M., Whiting M.L., Baret F., Tiang J., (2018). MARMIT: A multilayer radiative transfer model of soil reflectance to estimate surface soil moisture content in the solar domain (400–2500 nm), Remote Sensing of Environment, 217, 1–17, [Article scientifique]


Annabi, M., Raclot, D., Bahri, H., Bailly, J.S., Gomez, C., Le Bissonnais, Y., 2017. Spatial variability of soil aggregate stability at the scale of an agricultural region in Tunisia. CATENA 153, 157–167. [Article scientifique]

Nouri, M., Gomez, C., Gorretta, N., Roger, J.M., 2017. Clay content mapping from airborne hyperspectral Vis-NIR data by transferring a laboratory regression model. Geoderma 298, 54–66. [Article scientifique]

Vaudour E., Gomez C., Lagacherie P. (2017). Potential of Sentinel 2 images for predicting several common topsoil properties over temperate and Mediterranean agroecosystems. Poster. EGU 2017 Vienna [Communication orale]

Lagacherie P., Arrouays D., Bourennane H., Gomez C., Martin M., Saby N. (2017). Assessment of Uncertainty on a Digital Soil Map: a sensitivity analysis on the uncertainty indicators. Communication orale avec résumé Pedometrics 2017, Wageningen. [Communication orale]


Gasmi, A., Gomez, C., Zouari, H., Masse, A., Ducrot, D., 2016. PCA and SVM as geo-computational methods for geological mapping in the southern of Tunisia, using ASTER remote sensing data set. Arab J Geosci 9, 753. [Article scientifique]

Gomez, C., Gholizadeh, A., Borůvka, L., Lagacherie, P., 2016. Using legacy data for correction of soil surface clay content predicted from VNIR/SWIR hyperspectral airborne images. Geoderma 276, 84–92. [Article scientifique]

Viscarra Rossel, R.A., Behrens, T., Ben-Dor, E., Brown, D.J., Demattê, J.A.M., Shepherd, K.D., Shi, Z., Stenberg, B., Stevens, A., Adamchuk, V., Aïchi, H., Barthès, B.G., Bartholomeus, H.M., Bayer, A.D., Bernoux, M., Böttcher, K., Brodský, L., Du, C.W., Chappell, A., Fouad, Y., Genot, V., Gomez, C., Grunwald, S., Gubler, A., Guerrero, C., Hedley, C.B., Knadel, M., Morrás, H.J.M., Nocita, M., Ramirez-Lopez, L., Roudier, P., Campos, E.M.R., Sanborn, P., Sellitto, V.M., Sudduth, K.A., Rawlins, B.G., Walter, C., Winowiecki, L.A., Hong, S.Y., Ji, W., 2016. A global spectral library to characterize the world’s soil. Earth-Science Reviews 155, 198–230. [Article scientifique]


Shabou, M., Mougenot, B., Chabaane, Z., Walter, C., Boulet, G., Aissa, N., Zribi, M., 2015. Soil Clay Content Mapping Using a Time Series of Landsat TM Data in Semi-Arid Lands. Remote Sensing 7, 6059–6078. [Article scientifique]

Fabre S., Briottet X., Lesaignoux A. (2015). Estimation of Soil Moisture Content from the Spectral Reflectance of Bare Soils in the 0.4–2.5 µm Domain. Sensors 15(2), 3262-3281; doi:10.3390/s150203262. [Article scientifique]

Oltra-Carrió R., Baup F., Fabre S., Fieuzal R., Briottet X. (2015). Improvement of Soil Moisture Retrieval from Hyperspectral VNIR-SWIR Data Using Clay Content Information: From Laboratory to Field Experiments. Remote Sensing 7, 3184-3205; doi:10.3390/rs70303184. [Article scientifique]


Publications antérieures au CES CNS Theia

Lagacherie, P., Arrouays, D. et Walter, C. (2013). Cartographie numérique des sols : principe, mise en œuvre et potentialités. Etude et Gestion des Sols, 20(1), 83‑98. [Article scientifique]

Date de modification : 09 juillet 2024 | Date de création : 25 septembre 2023 | Rédaction : webmestre